8.2. Common Instructions
In this section, we discuss several common x86 assembly instructions. Table 1 lists the most foundational instructions in x86 assembly.
Instruction | Translation |
S → D (copies value of S into D) |
S + D → D (adds S to D and stores result in D) |
D - S → D (subtracts S from D and stores result in D) |
Therefore, the sequence of instructions
mov 0x8(%ebp),%eax add $0x2,%eax
translates to:
Copy the value at location
+ 0x8 in memory (or M[%ebp
+ 0x8]) to register%eax
. -
Add the value 0x2 to register
, and store the result in register%eax
The three instructions shown in Table 1 also form the building blocks for
instructions that maintain the organization of the program stack (i.e., the
call stack). Recall that registers %ebp
and %esp
refer to the frame
pointer and stack pointer, respectively, and are reserved by the compiler for
call stack management. Recall from our earlier discussion on
program memory
that the call stack stores local variables and parameters and helps the program
track its own execution (see Figure 1).

On IA32 systems, the execution stack grows toward lower addresses. Like all stack data structures, operations occur at the "top" of the stack. The x86 ISA provides two instructions (Table 2) to simplify call stack management.
Instruction | Translation |
Pushes a copy of sub $4, %esp mov S, (%esp) |
Pops the top element off the stack and places it in location mov (%esp), D add $4, %esp |
Notice that while the three instructions in [Basic] require two operands, the
and pop
instructions in [Stack] require only one operand apiece.
8.2.1. Putting It All Together: A More Concrete Example
Let’s take a closer look at the adder2
//adds two to an integer and returns the result
int adder2(int a) {
return a + 2;
and its corresponding assembly code:
0804840b <adder2>: 804840b: 55 push %ebp 804840c: 89 e5 mov %esp,%ebp 804840e: 8b 45 08 mov 0x8(%ebp),%eax 8048411: 83 c0 02 add $0x2,%eax 8048414: 5d pop %ebp 8048415: c3 ret
The assembly code consists of a push
instruction, followed by a couple of
instructions, an add
instruction, a pop
instruction, and finally a
instruction. To understand how the CPU executes this set of instructions,
we need to revisit the structure of
program memory.
Recall that every time a program executes, the operating system allocates the
new program’s address space (also known as virtual memory).
Virtual memory and the related concept of
processes are covered in greater detail in
chapter 13; for now, it suffices to think of a process as the abstraction of a
running program and virtual memory as the memory that is allocated to a single
process. Every process has its own region of memory called the call stack.
Keep in mind that the call stack is located in process/virtual memory, unlike
registers (which are located on the CPU).
Figure 2 depicts a sample state of the call stack and registers prior
to the execution of the adder2

Notice that the stack grows toward lower addresses. Registers %eax
currently contain junk values. The addresses associated with the
instructions in the code segment of program memory (0x804840b-0x8048415)
have been shortened to (0x40b-0x415) to improve figure readability.
Likewise, the addresses associated with the call stack segment of program
memory have been shortened to 0x108-0x110 from 0xffffd108-0xffffd110.
In truth, call stack addresses occur at
higher addresses in program memory than code segment addresses.
Pay close attention to the initial (made up) values of registers %esp
: they are 0x10c
and 0x12a
, respectively. The call stack currently has
the value 0x28
(or 40
) at stack address 0x110
(why and how this got here
will be covered in our discussion on
functions). The upper-left arrow in
the following figures visually
indicates the currently executing instruction. The %eip
register (or
instruction pointer) shows the next instruction to execute. Initially, %eip
contains address 0x40b
which corresponds to the first instruction in the

The first instruction (push %ebp
) places a copy of the value in %ebp
(or 0x12a) on top of the stack. After it executes, the %eip
advances to the address of the next instruction to execute (or 0x40c). The
instruction decrements the stack pointer by 4 ("growing" the stack by 4
bytes), resulting in a new %esp
value of 0x108
. Recall that the push %ebp
instruction is equivalent to:
sub $4, %esp mov %ebp, (%esp)
In other words, subtract 4 from the stack pointer and place a copy of the
contents of %ebp
in the location pointed to by the dereferenced stack
pointer, (%esp)

Recall that the structure of the mov
instruction is mov S,D
, where S
the source location, and D
is the destination. Thus, the next instruction
(mov %esp, %ebp
) updates the value of %ebp
to 0x108. The register %eip
advances to the address of the next instruction to execute, or 0x40e.

Next, mov 0x8(%ebp), %eax
is executed. This is a bit more complicated than
the last mov
instruction. Let’s parse it by consulting the operand table from
the previous section. First, 0x8(%ebp)
translates to M[%ebp
+ 0x8]. Since
contains the value 0x108, adding 8 to it yields 0x110. Performing a
(stack) memory lookup on 0x110 yields the value 0x28 (recall that 0x28
was placed on the stack by previous code). So, the value 0x28 is copied into
register %eax
. The instruction pointer advances to address 0x411, the next
address to be executed.

Afterwards, add $0x2, %eax
is executed. Recall that the add
instruction has
the form add S,D
and places the quantity S + D in the destination D. So,
add $0x2, %eax
adds the constant value 0x2 to the value stored in %eax
(or 0x28), resulting in 0x2A being stored in register %eax
. Register
advances to point to the next instruction to be executed, or 0x414.

The next instruction that executes is pop %ebp
. This instruction "pops"
a value off call stack and places it in destination register %ebp
Recall that this instruction is equivalent to the following sequence of
two instructions:
mov (%esp), %ebp add $4, %esp
After this instruction executes, the value at the top of the stack (%esp)
or (M[0x108]) is copied into register %ebp
. Thus, %ebp
now contains
the value 0x12a. The stack pointer increments by 4, since the stack
grows toward lower addresses (and consequently, shrinks toward higher ones).
The new value of %esp
is 0x10c, and %eip
now points to the address of
the last instruction to execute in this code snippet (0x415).
The last instruction executed is ret
. We will talk more about what
happens with ret
in future sections when we discuss function calls, but
for now it suffices to know that it prepares the call stack for returning from a
function. By convention, the register %eax
always contains the return value
(if one exists). In this case, the function returns the value 0x2A, which
corresponds to the decimal value 42.
Before we continue, note that the final values in
registers %esp
and %ebp
0x10c and 0x12a, respectively, which are the same values as when the
function started executing! This is normal and expected behavior with the call
stack. The purpose of the call stack is to store the temporary variables and
data of each function as it executes in the context of a program. Once a
function completes executing, the stack returns to the state it was in prior to
the function call. As a result, you will commonly see the following two
instructions at the beginning of a function:
push %ebp mov %esp, %ebp
and the following two instructions at the end of every function:
pop %ebp ret